Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I haven't mentioned anything baby-related on here so far because, honestly, there hasn't been much to tell. Besides some typical aches and pains and crankiness, I feel good, the baby is cooking and healthy, and we're just going about our every day routine.

But for those of you who are very much interested in baby news (and I know you're out there), this one's for you.

Yesterday we had a doctor's appointment, and they're usually pretty standard. Heartbeat, check. Feeling okay, check. Any questions? No? See you in four weeks. But this time was our 20 week appointment (early by a few days, but whatever) and it comes with bells and whistles, namely an ultrasound where they take all sorts of measurements, check out the organs, make sure everything is developing properly, and tell you the sex of the baby if they can see it and they're in a good mood and willing to tell you.

So, Otis (our name for the baby until it arrives) is perfectly healthy. Looked great in every way, but it was a little difficult to find out the sex because the little bugger kept its legs crossed and then actually put its hand in front of its crotch to keep us from seeing. Seriously. The whole time, the hands were up by the the head and waving around and then when we went to look at whether Otis is a boy or girl, boom, hand covering the area. The ultrasound lady couldn't show us the goods at that point, but she could point out all five fingers of the hand. Thanks, baby.

And some ultrasound photos for you to squint at. The first one is the whole baby, second is the flexing arm, third is just plain creepy looking with the arms and face.

Oh, and it's a boy! And no, you can't see it in any of these pictures, so don't squint that hard at them.


Corinne said...

So Exciting!!! I'm definitely one of those people who was hoping you'd blog some baby news! Congratulations on Otis :-)

Anonymous said...

awesome :-) Congratulations !!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations!
We're so happy for you both!

Marc Burgett said...

I am teary and so pleased for you and so excited about being a grandpa and can't wait to buy Otis his first baseball glove and play catch with him. Do you think he'll be ready to play this fall?

All my love to all of you (including the grandpuppies).


Mom in IL said...

I am soooooo excited and Dad is thrilled. We can't wait to be grandparents. Dad will be waiting to give Otis his first tractor ride. We love you both and the grandpuppies.


Kevin said...

How in the world did I miss this??????? Good grief...anyway I can see my new niece! Well I'm assuming it is a girl...either way Uncle Duck will spoil him/her to death :)