Monday, April 9, 2007

We had a nice Easter. It was nothing really big or exciting, but it was nice and happy and relaxing. Last week sometime I decided that to celebrate after going to church at noon, we should come back and laze around and have french toast and drink bellinis. So we did. And it was nice. And our friend Carol joined us, because really, who can turn down an invitation for french toast?

A few pictures from our Easter festivities:

We colored eggs on Saturday

And then on Sunday, Ben was the french toast master

While I managed the other things to munch on. The little creatures are cream filled pastries. You'll see more of them in a minute.

And Carol sipped the atomic-orange colored bellinis. We used peach juice from our local Dutch supermarket and it looked suspiciously like Tang, but it tasted okay. Well, mostly. Fresh peaches would have been much nicer and a lot less scary looking, but the only peaches I could find were at the commissary and they looked like they were fresh maybe a year or two ago. I decided against them.

And... the pièce de résistance...

Are you ready?

Lamb shaped butter! For those of us who have had Easter dinner with the Burgetts, this butter looks like an almost exact miniature replica of our very special cake.

And, unfortunately for the poor butter lamb, it met a gruesome fate, much like that of the annual lamb cake.

And after french toast, what do you do? You have dessert! I found these little creatures at a bakery and just couldn't resist the charms of their tongues and googly eyes. Carol's bunny unfortunately did not taste very good. But it's still cute, right?


Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Wow the lamb cake :) Good stuff. I'll be on the first plane over if you guys cook French Toast for me :)