Monday, August 25, 2008

We're home!

It feels so good to be out of the hospital! Ben, Wesley and I finally got to come home and start getting used to our new life here yesterday morning, and we are all VERY happy about it.

But before I jump right into our new adventures, we promised details on Wesley's arrival. So here's the long version, if you want it. If you don't, feel free to look at the pictures and sit tight for more interesting stuff in the weeks to come.

Let's go back a week from today. I had a doctor's appointment because I was over a week past my due date and my doctor asked, "When would you like to be induced? Yesterday?" We laughed, and said "Yes, no really, right now, please?". So my induction was scheduled for first thing the next day.

We got up bright and early Tuesday morning, and while I took the dogs for one last quality walk Ben made me pancakes for breakfast to give me a delicious start to my big day.

My very last belly photo, 41 weeks and 4 days, as we were headed out the door at 7 a.m.

When we got to the hospital, they monitored me and the baby for a little while and then put a gel on my cervix to get the contractions and dilation started. And we just sat and waited.

It worked pretty well, and by mid-morning I was having mild contractions every 3 minutes or so.

This is where it goes downhill. I kept having contractions 3 minutes apart and they did get stronger, but they weren't actually doing anything. 1 cm dilated all day. Great. They sent me home at 5 p.m., saying we could try again on Thursday if they weren't too busy. Fantastic.

We went home.

We walked the dogs, made some dinner, walked the dogs again. We knew walking is supposed to help move labor along, and boy, did it ever. By halfway through our second walk I kept having to slow down or stop with every contraction and I may have mumbled "motherf***er" once or twice, and we decided it was probably time to call labor and delivery and head back over there.

We got to the hospital about 12:30 a.m. and guess what? 1 cm dilated! Wooo! Wait, what? You mean no progress yet, even with the reeeeally painful contractions? Hmph. So, more fetal monitoring, more contractions, more waiting. 2:30 a.m., I was finally up to 3 cm. That's something at least, right? So at some point (3:30ish? I was sleep deprived and stuff) they decided to break my water. After that they gave me a little something for the pain that lasted for maybe a couple hours. It still hurt, but in between the pain I felt nice and floaty and sleepy. Then, it wore off. And then I wanted to die. And I wanted my epidural. But they said the baby's heart rate dropped every time I had a contraction so they had reservations about the epidural. Oh yeah, and I was still only at 4 cm. The next few hours are kind of fuzzy in my memory. I remember screaming and shaking and screaming and wanting to kick a nurse because she kept telling me "No, breathe like this: hee hee hee hoooooooo". Finally, at about 9 a.m., the doctors decided that the epidural was not gonna happen and that instead I needed a c-section. Pronto.

They gave me a drug to relax my uterus (how about some real pain meds, people???) and quickly wheeled me to an operating room. Ben, in case you were wondering, was freaking out a tiny bit at this point. He had been concerned about me the whole time and by my side, holding my hand whenever possible. And the sudden rush was a little unnerving for him. But he handled it like a champ, suited up in his hospital scrubby gear, and got to my side as soon as I was ready for the surgery. At this point I finally got my sweet, sweet epidural and was gloriously numb.

I was so deliriously happy, that Ben thought they had given me something a little more... narcotic. But no, I was just overjoyed to be able to think coherently without horrendous pain that I came off as a little drugged.

From this point, everything went very quickly. Within minutes, we heard Wesley gurgle and then start to cry as they brought him up by my head to show him to me. Then he and Ben were whisked off to clean him up and weigh him.

They reappeared briefly so I could cover them both in kisses,

and then were whisked off yet again while I was cleaned up and put back together and wheeled off to recovery where I finally realized I hadn't slept in forever and promptly passed out. Good times.

It wasn't really the experience we hoped for, and not one I want to repeat, but we feel completely blessed because both Wes and I are 100% healthy and happy, and in he is perfect in every way.

And then, finally, after 5 days of hospital recovery (which was terribly boring, with the exception of sushi picnic night, compliments of Ben)

They actually let us leave the hospital!

We're home!

And the Bella and Spud finally got to meet their new squeak toy, I mean, baby brother.

And if you just can't get enough baby pictures (Yes, you, Grandma and Grandpa) you can check out more Wesley pictures here.

Friday, August 22, 2008

This is Wes

I know there are a bunch of you out there who can't wait to meet Wesley. However, there is the problem of one really large pond in between us and you. Hopefully, you will enjoy a little video of him and it will hold you over until you can meet him.

To others it might be a little boring. I understand it is just a baby and 2 day old babies don't do much. But don't hate. It is my world and I love it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008



Wesley Raymond Morrison

Born at 0930 (Dutch Time) on August 20, 2008.
Or if you write it the European way 20.08.2008 (pretty cool).

Weight - 3275 grams (7 lbs. 3 oz.)
Length - will be measured later (Some weird way the Dutch do it)

He has is dada's lips and nose and his mama's long fingers and slightly lopsided smile.

He was delivered by c-section after a very long and painful labor, but both he and mama are in perfect health.

Full story to come when we're not all so exhausted.




Sunday, August 17, 2008

How do Ben and Ellen kill time while waiting for a baby to show up?


I've been baking an awful lot. Just today I made peanut butter brownies, and in the past couple weeks I also have made macarons, honey ice cream, some other peanut butter blondies (Ben's boss had asked why I don't make peanut butter stuff, so I've made a couple things for him. He's one of my loyal fans and I like to keep my fans happy), and cupcakes.

The cupcakes, though. I needed to make them. You see, I had leftover chocolate ganache and vanilla buttercream from making macarons, and I also had a brand new toy to play with. I saw this mechanical pastry bag on the Williams-Sonoma website a little while back, lusted after it, mentioned it in passing to my mom, and then magically got one in a box a early birthday presents from my parents. I'm pretty much in love with it.

So I whipped up my favorite almond cake recipe, filled some with cherry preserves and topped them with chocolate ganache AND vanilla buttercream.

Yum. I didn't eat any, but Ben said they went over really really well at work.

We've also been going out to eat as much as possible. We've been out every weekend for the past four weeks, and it's been great. The last two times we went out, we went to The India House, an indian restaurant in Maastricht. I had been wanting good indian food for a while, but it's not easy to find around here, so eventually I just googled "good indian restaurant in Maastricht", and voilĂ ! It's delicious and the people who run it are nice and it's delicious, and when Ben asked if they can do take out (for when/if this baby ever comes) the guy said "Sure!" Yay!

We also like to walk around Maastricht after eating, and usually end up at the Fun Photo booth at the train station

It is terrbily fun.

And of course we've been going to Starbucks (as usual)

And if we're lucky, while walking around Aachen after our Starbucks trip we stumble upon free entertainment.

This was the "Dance Wizards", a hip hop dance group. By American standards they were pretty bad, and Ben and I laughed and laughed and laughed. And laughed some more. But by German or Dutch standards they were pretty good. They're good at fried foods around here, but not so great at the dancing thing. I told Ben that those girls totally stole all my moves, the ones I use when I'm at home alone and nobody can see me. I could be a star here!

Even funnier than the real dancers was the older woman standing next to us. She was gettin' down.

Other than that we're still just sitting around, waiting, walking the dogs, watching movies, waiting. And to answer any questions, I feel great still, baby is great, no sign of anything happening, and as of today I am 9 days overdue. I guess the kid is just happy in there.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Me, today, 40 weeks and 1 day pregnant.

FAQs about me and the baby:

Q. Is the baby here yet? Is he here? Have you given birth and not told me?
A. Please see above photo.

Q. How are you feeling?
A. Fine, thanks.

Q. Do you want him out right this minute?
A. I'm happy and feeling good, so I want my little guy to come when he's ready. As long as that's sometime in the next couple weeks.

Q. Are you sure the baby hasn't come yet?
A. Yes, see photo.

Q. Are you excited?
A. Very. We can't wait to meet him!

And finally, not a response to a frequently asked question, but something I've been dying to share. My number one proudest achievement during this pregnancy (besides growing a healthy baby) is that I have stayed healthy and active, and that I can STILL do yoga regularly, including the tree pose. Check it out.

Aw yeah, that's me balancing on one leg and not falling over. I'm pretty sure I'm awesome. Thanks.

And finally, yes, we'll let you know when the baby comes, but he seems to be taking his sweet time. If you don't hear from us, you can assume that we're hanging out, going to lunch, or baking cookies or something.

Speaking of baking cookies, I've started a separate blog to detail my cooking adventures. If you want to check it out, you can see it here.