Friday, August 3, 2007

Off to Antwerpen!

This will be our second weekend in a row traveling to Belgium. We leave in just a few hours to go to Antwerp for Ben's half ironman triathlon (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run) and last weekend we went to Bruges (or Brugge for all you Dutch speakers) for a marriage retreat sponsored by the chaplain. It was a pretty good deal - free hotel and meals, and all we had to do was sit through hours of pretty awful exercises in communication.

I wanted to blog more about Bruges, but my computer decided to take it's own little vacation this week and wouldn't start up, so I had a few problems with the blogging. But don't worry, I'm back and my computer is once again happy and healthy after getting a stern talking to and some pounding on the keyboard. Unfortunately, I'm short on time though, so all I can do is give you a few highlights from last weekend...

Lots of canals

Old buildings (The city center of Bruges has remained largely unchanged since the Middle Ages)

And swans

And baby swans!

There were also more chocolate boutiques than you can possibly imagine. I would have taken pictures of those too, but I was too busy eating.

So now we head to Antwerp, Ben with all his triathlon gear, and me with my friend Carol to keep me company. Ben's race is tomorrow, so think victorious thoughts for him!

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