Monday, December 17, 2007

Where the heck have we been?!?

No, we didn't disappear. Just took a tiny bit of time off from the blogging. Okay, maybe more than a tiny bit, but we're back! And we've been doing things and going places! Exciting things! Fabulous places!

A while back we had decided that Thanksgiving was going to be no big deal here, so we found cheap cheap tickets to Barcelona for 2 days. And then we invited a couple of friends to join us, because we like them and because we figured if it's fun to go out to dinner with other people, it will be extra fun going out to dinner with people in a foreign country. And it was!

We arrived on Thanksgiving, hit one tapas bar,

made some Thanksgiving phone calls to family,

and the hit another tapas restaurant for dinner.

After that we went out dancing like the crazy young people we are until my feet hurt so much I thought they might die and/or fall off. It was an excellent Thanksgiving.

The next day we saw as many sights in Barcelona as we possibly could...

And of course, found a Starbucks so Ben could add to his mug collection.

And then we flew home the next day. Ay caramba. Muy tiring. But fun, and definitely worth the trip.

And then, a couple short weeks later, we did a one day only quick trip to London. Are we crazy or what? London photos to come soon. A quick fact before I go though - Did you know that London is so full of pollution it can turn a person's snot black? It can! It did! Gross. We won't mention that again.

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