Sunday, January 20, 2008

Reasons why we love Paris

It's just so pretty.

I could never get tired of the view of Paris from Sacre Coeur. It always makes my heart speed up a little bit.

The language is so nice to listen to. Conversations in French make lovely background noise.

There are trash cans everywhere. Maybe this doesn't seem like a big deal, but I have walked for miles in other cities carrying around a napkin or an empty water bottle before eventually giving up and shoving it in my purse.

Wine is so cheap and so good. And the same can be said for baguettes.

As much as they have a reputation for being rude and snooty, Parisians are more often than not pretty nice to the tourists.

The grocery stores have fun things like packaged crepes and chocolate mousse and fois gras and tagines.

People call you "Monsieur" or "Madame"; I find this completely charming.

The Metro is so easy and goes everywhere. And it's mostly clean and almost always on time.

Sometimes, you'll be walking down a random street and suddenly you'll be enveloped by the smell of freshly baked bread and pastries. This is one of life's greatest simple pleasures.

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