Thursday, April 10, 2008

La spontanéité

Last Thursday, my friend Carol put some pictures online from the trip she and I took to Paris in September. I commented on them and jokingly said, "I want to go back! Let's go tomorrow." She responded, "Tomorrow I have to work, but I could go Saturday through Monday." We were both semi-joking, semi-dreaming, semi-serious.

On Friday, though, we talked more, and on Saturday morning at 7:30 a.m. Carol showed up at our house and I hopped in her car and we drove to Paris! We spent the day wandering and shopping. We got some very chic French clothes, tasty Parisian pastries, and then ended our day with a magnifique dinner at a restaurant near our hotel. Once again, the Pudlo guide that Ben gave me for Christmas led me to delicious food; I could read that book for hours!

On Sunday morning, we bought more bread than any two people could need, said bonjour and au revoir to my favorite spot in Montmartre, right by Sacre Coeur, and then said au revoir to Paris.

A very quick trip, but merveilleux.

As for Ben, he had to work all weekend. And I haven't seen him much since then. But I did bring him some fabulous food and a beautiful and tasty pastry, so he got a little taste of parisian happiness in the middle of his busy work time. Not as good as the real thing, but c'est la vie.

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