Sunday, February 8, 2009

Life has been pretty routine here lately. I haven't blogged about it much because routine is not really very interesting. It's walking the dogs, Ben going to work, doing laundry, making dinner, watching tv. Do you really want to know about how I scrubbed the grout in the front hallway today or what we thought of the latest episode of Top Chef? No?

That's right. Our life is boring. But we're surprisingly happy about that. We are content walking the dogs together at night and coming home to a bowl of chili and an episode of Heroes. And on the weekend we're even happier, because while our weekends aren't very exciting, they're satisfying and happy.

Yesterday was a pretty typical Saturday for us. Wes wakes up around 6 or 7, Ben gets up with him and they head downstairs to feed the dogs, check up on the internet, maybe have a bottle. I laze around in bed for a bit, until 8 or so (hallelujah!) and then join them for cereal and coffee and tea.

After we're all awake, fed, dressed and happy, we leash up the dogs and take a long walk. Wes loves walking the dogs. He giggles and kicks his feet when he sees us getting his stroller ready. The dogs might like it a little too. As we start to get ready, Bella gets excited and starts giving quick licks to everyone and everything at snout level.

After walking, it's market time! I've mentioned before that we have a really great big market every Saturday in our little town. We're really lucky, and we take advantage of all the great produce, meats, cheeses, etc each week. This week we didn't need much, so Ben just picked up some oranges (delicious! nutritious!), rotisserie chicken for lunch (delicious! greasy and not nutritious!), flowers for me (pretty!), and scallops for dinner (yum!).

After lunch, we head to Starbucks. Some of you may know about this weekly tradition, but for the few who don't, every single weekend we go to Aachen, Germany for the sole purpose of going to Starbucks. Yes, I know, we're living in Europe, surrounded by rich cultural experiences we have yet to enjoy, and each week we instead go to a good old overpriced, overhyped coffee chain. Whatever. It makes us happy. We like to take books and drink our overpriced coffee and tea and have a treat and watch people. It's fun. This week was especially nice because Wes fell into a deep, deep sleep and napped for an hour or so while Ben and I read our books and shared a slice of chocolate cake. Mmm, our Starbucks has the best chocolate cake. Better if you have someone to share it with. Shared cake tastes better, and you don't end up feeling sick from the massive slab of chocolate deliciousness that you just could not say no too.

Coffee and snacks devoured, we take a walk around Aachen, shop a little, explore a little. We've pretty much become Aachen experts, but occasionally we still find new and exciting things. Yesterday, for example, I spotted a huge organic grocery store. I was very excited because I'm the kind of tree hugging hippie type who sees this kind of store, tells Ben that I'm going to explore while he buys printer ink in a nearby electronics store, and then skips merrily into the grocery store and swoons over the soba noodles, billions of kinds of tofu, fair trade coffee, and fancy organic chocolates. When Ben and Wes came to find me I told him I was in looooove and wanted to marry the store. He looked a little hurt. But he's very understanding and forgave me after I got us a couple little pieces of organic, free-range, grass-fed, fair trade chocolate.

Saturday nights are even less exciting than the days. No parties, clubs, restaurants, adventures. Not even a movie. Nope. Just me and Ben, our kitchen, and then the couch. Saturday's are a nice night to take advantage of the little bit of free time that we get to cook dinner together. Sometimes we make one of our usual things - a stir fry, risotto, sandwiches, whatever - and sometimes we make something fun and new. Last night was fun and new, playing around with the scallops that we bought from the market and a recipe for corn fritters that I really wanted to make. It was delicious and I only seriously injured myself once.

And to end our day of thrills and excitement? Coffee and strawberries in bed while watching Grey's Anatomy.

All of this might be boring for you, but for us it's nearly perfect.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen!!! I hope you're doing well! Wesley is getting so big and he looks adorable!! I was just wondering, me and a friend are traveling to Amsterdam the morning of March 12 and needed a place to stay for that night. Would you like to meet up while we're there? Let me know if you and Ben are available once you get a chance. Talk to you soon!!!


Unknown said...

Sounds like perfection to me!! :) market...

Kevin said...

Well at least someone FINALLY started eating chocolate that was grass fed & cage free. It puts way to much stress on the chocolate. It needs to be out in the the display case for all to see.