Monday, November 20, 2006


Today was a day of rest. We traveled all the way to Sears to have a Morrison family portrait taken. The photographer didn't seem to know what to do with an entire family of grown people. Apparently, he is used to small kids who just sit there and gurgle.

We probably misbehaved more than your average 3 year old AND you couldn't just pop a cute hat on us and wave a teddy bear until we smiled, so he had no idea how to handle us. Luckily, we had more creativity and photography than him, so we managed to end up with a few really good photos.

Here's our favorite. We directed. He pressed the button. Maybe next time we'll just buy a remote for our camera and cut our the Sears photographer altogether.


Kevin said...

Wow nice looking picture :)

MommieDearest said...

The photo looks great.
Sears should use it for their advertising.Where was Ben's sister?

Somebody said...

We do look good. I will check frequently to see how the Minneapolis leg of the trip is going. Love, Mom McL