Sunday, November 19, 2006


Today was long and boring. "Long" kinda sucked, but "boring" was a good thing. No truck breaking down. No long stops at tire stores. No crisis of any sort. Just a long drive through Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Illinois.

A little contest for you:
Q: Is this photo from...
A) Texas
B) Oklahoma
C) Missouri
D) Illinois

The first person to get the correct answer wins a key chain from the next gas station we stop at.


MommieDearest said...

Obviously Missouri. There is a hint of terrain and a smattering of vegetation. Pay up please.

Ellen & Ben said...

Unfortunately, Dad has won the contest by answering through e-mail (he wanted to make sure he got to me first). He not only got to me first, he also got the correct answer, which is NOT Missouri. Missouri was a little hilly and had a lot more trees. Dad guessed Oklahoma, and wins the fabulous keychain.

Better luck next time!