Thursday, July 10, 2008

Quick Baby Update

Saw the doctor this week. I'll be going enough in the next few weeks that I feel like they should engrave my name on one of the waiting room chairs. The baby is still happy and healthy and growing like a champ.

And I got an ultrasound which showed his very chubby head.

He's looking like a real baby now! And in one week, I'll technically be full term and he'll be cleared for landing. However, my due date isn't for another 4 weeks, and he's been pretty cozy in there and we're not expecting him any time early.

Just a quick update for the baby watchers out there!

1 comment:

Corinne said...

I'm really, really excited for Otis to come!!! Keep blogging-I'm stalking your baby from this side of the pond :-)