Saturday, August 9, 2008

Me, today, 40 weeks and 1 day pregnant.

FAQs about me and the baby:

Q. Is the baby here yet? Is he here? Have you given birth and not told me?
A. Please see above photo.

Q. How are you feeling?
A. Fine, thanks.

Q. Do you want him out right this minute?
A. I'm happy and feeling good, so I want my little guy to come when he's ready. As long as that's sometime in the next couple weeks.

Q. Are you sure the baby hasn't come yet?
A. Yes, see photo.

Q. Are you excited?
A. Very. We can't wait to meet him!

And finally, not a response to a frequently asked question, but something I've been dying to share. My number one proudest achievement during this pregnancy (besides growing a healthy baby) is that I have stayed healthy and active, and that I can STILL do yoga regularly, including the tree pose. Check it out.

Aw yeah, that's me balancing on one leg and not falling over. I'm pretty sure I'm awesome. Thanks.

And finally, yes, we'll let you know when the baby comes, but he seems to be taking his sweet time. If you don't hear from us, you can assume that we're hanging out, going to lunch, or baking cookies or something.

Speaking of baking cookies, I've started a separate blog to detail my cooking adventures. If you want to check it out, you can see it here.

1 comment:

MommieDearest said...

Que tu est drole.
Ye, we are all sitting here wondering how you are feeling and if the bebe has arrived.
Catherine Wengler from our coffee group requested your address so that she can send along a gift- she knows that you are registered at Target.
Talk to you soon.