Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's been forever since our last update. Alright, maybe not forever. Maybe just about 2 weeks or so. Whatever. It seems like a long time.

So why have we been so absent from the internet? Busy? Traveling? Lost in the Netherlands somewhere? Nope. Just boring. We're really, really boring. We've been, uh, watching tv, surfing the internet, reading books. We've gone to Starbucks, but that's hardly news.

The only exciting person around here is Wes, and he's only exciting when he takes a break from his sleeping/eating/pooping routine and does something different... like rolling!

He's rolled over once or twice, here and there, but today? Today he was on a roll! (pun intended! har har har!)

And can I show you some pictures just because he's cute? Yes? If you said no, you should have quit reading 5 minutes ago. Or maybe sometime in August.

More pictures!

I think we'll keep him.


MK Creates said...

He looks so pleased with himself!! What a cute and happy baby!! Good Job!!

Marc Burgett said...

Rolling is good, but can he say Papá yet???

Love, Dad

Kevin said...

OMG he rolled over and I missed that?? I'm pretty sure it was Uncle Duck's guidance that put him on the right path to rolling over.

...probably not.

Lou Ann Morrison said...

Of course he can roll over. He can do anything. He is perfect in each and every way. Two weeks and waiting. Love, Grandma M