Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wesley's Tunisia

Today we have a guest blogger....

Ben and I had a great time on our little adventure, but according to Wesley I didn't tell you about all the best stuff. So I'm turning the blog over to him so you can see Wesley's vacation experience.

Tunisia, by Wes
1. Airplanes are so cool. I like to look out the window. And take naps. And play with Mama's plastic spoon. And look out the window some more. There are other airplanes out there! And trucks and people and stuff!

2. Everybody loves me. I made a lot of friends because everyone wanted to hold me and kiss me and tickle me. Silly people. I loved it. I should get that much attention all the time.

3. Elevators are fun. They have numbers that light up and change and ours had glass walls so I could watch everything. And I got to smile at lots and lots of people. And they smiled back! So much fun! Eeeeeeeee!

4. I got baths! Lots and lots! Our hotel room had its very own bathtub! Can you believe our luck? And Mama and Da let me play in it every day! It's my favorite thing about Tunisia!

5. Mama and Da said that if I like baths I would probably like swimming. They took me to the beach. It was fun to hang out on the sand.

Then they took me to the water.

It was cold. I don't know why they think oceans are anything like bathtubs. Tubs are way better.

Then they took me to swim inside. I wasn't so sure about it, especially after the whole swimming in the ocean thing. But it turns out swimming is pretty fun. Da and I had a great time. It wasn't quite as fun as a bath, but don't tell Da.

6. Sometimes Mama and Da made me leave the bathtub and we went on adventures. I like taking walks and we took a lot of walks!

And I got play in lots of cool places!

Arrrr! You'll never take my castle!

What I didn't like was having to ride in my carseat wherever we went.

Mama and Da strapped me in every single time and I hated it. Jerks. I thought we didn't need to follow all the rules on vacation. Hmph.

7. This was so fun!

There was a waterfall! It had water and made noise and it was kind of like a bathtub but it was outside and way more exciting. Mama and Da kept yammering on about a camel or something, but did you see that waterfall??? Neat! Tunisia has the coolest stuff!

8. Even better than all the baths and the adventures and the strangers giving me kisses (I know... what could be better, right? But trust me...), was all the time I got to spend with Mama and Da.

We played a lot. All of us together. For days! Da didn't have to go to work and we all did everything together and we laughed.

I love vacation!



Unknown said...

We enjoyed your guest blogger. we are so glad you got to go and we think Wes is pretty darn special.
Love ya, A.Julie, U. David and the boys

Lou Ann Morrison said...

Wes is not just the cutest baby on this earth - he is also the smartest. What other 8 month old can write so well. I'm so glad he had a great time, and you both too. One question - don't you have a bathtub?

Marc Burgett said...

Wow! That Wesley is quite the world traveler. And a good writer! One gets a sense of place as one reads his prose. Where are you off to next, big boy?



Ellen & Ben said...

Grandma, we have a bathtub but the vacation one was so much more exciting!

Papà, Mama says that writing skillz must run in the family (along with stunning good looks, charm, and intelligence).
