Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. We actually have quite a bit to share with you, but I have had my hands full lately.

Check him out...

Yes, he is currently sporting big bandaged stumps where his hands should be. Not to worry, though; his hands are still in there and will be in working order at some point.

About a week and a half ago, he was in the kitchen with me and the little bugger managed to put his hands on the oven door for a couple seconds. And I guess the safety standard for European ovens is not up to par with the U.S. and our oven door gets HOT. Hot enough that my poor baby ended up with second degree burns on his hands. There was a lot of screaming (Wes and Ben) and crying (Wes and me), but after a little trip to the ER, he got all fixed up and should be just fine once his hands heal up.

It's a major bummer for him and seriously time consuming for me because all he wants to do is crawl and pick things up and explore. He's got the crawling with stumps down, but his inability to pick things up is a little frustrating and I have been spending lots and lots of time keeping little Stubby entertained.

But we're all doing well, and he's still the happiest baby around. And once things get back to normal around here I'll try to update a little more.

For now, a few pictures because Wes is adorable and fun and if I can't write interesting things I can at least say, "Look at my baaaaaby! Is he just the cutest? Don't you just love him???"

Well, don't you?


Unknown said...

Just glad Wes is fine. We are so sorry he got hurt, but he looks like he is doing very well. You all take care.

MommieDearest said...

Now you have his first nickname-
Stubby. For when he plays pro ball or runs for public office.

Wes "Stubby" Morrison. I'll bet he
has stories to tell.

We are glad that we can see him on the computer on Sundays and see that the bandages haven't slowed him down a bit. And yes, your job is to follow him around and hand him stuff.
Work hard. Have fun. Make us proud.

Lou Ann Morrison said...

.mHe IS still the cutest baby ever. He looks to have mastered getting around with the "stumps". I hope all doctor's visits go well this week. I can't wait till the weekend when we can see all new tricks.
Love to all,
Mom & Dad