Friday, August 28, 2009

The most exciting Friday ever!

At least for a 1 year old boy.

There has been construction going on outside our house for about eleventy billion weeks, and finally (FINALLY) the houses being built there are almost done. As far as construction goes, it actually hasn't been that bad. Nothing too huge and loud, just quiet plodding along.

So although there has been a constant stream of big trucks coming in and out, blocking all the streets and leaving a trail of muddy tire tracks, it hasn't been all that exciting. Until today, when they rolled in a huge crane and a huge truck full of rocks. Ooooh boy....

Then, they parked the truck directly in front of our house (blocking our driveway - thanks, construction guys) and spilled rocks all over the street (again, thanks for that, superconstructors!). That was pretty neat for Wes. But once they got their mess cleaned up, that's when the real fun started.

Directly in front of our window, they repeatedly filled a thingy on the crane (so technical, I know) with rocks and then lifted it up and over to dump them on the flat roofs of the new houses. Wes thought it was soooo coooool. He was totally mesmerized and watched until I made him come walk the dogs with me. And then watched some more when we got back from walking. He didn't come away from the window until the truck drove away, the crane left, and all the guys went inside because it was raining.

Wes has a lot of years to decide what he wants to be when he grows up, but for today I think he wants to be a construction worker.


Lou Ann Morrison said...

Every day is such a wonderful adventure.

MommieDearest said...

Construction workers have the best toys - ever.