Thursday, January 8, 2009

Christmas, part 1

Sorry for the lack of updates. We had a busy holiday, as you will see in a minute, and I've been just plain tired. Also, I had about 5 hundred bajillion photos to upload and sort through and I've just been moving slowly.

So, Christmas. I mentioned in my last post that we were in Paris and about to head back to the U.S. The long version of the story is that several months ago we were planning on having Ben's family here for Christmas, but then their travel plans fell through. We were all sad, Ben and I moped around a bit, and then we said, "Hey, maybe we should go somewhere for Christmas, somewhere like Paris!" Fantastic idea! It cheered us right up! It wasn't as good as being with family, but who can complain about wine and fresh baguettes?

Then, after we booked our Paris apartment, Ben's family generously offered to buy us plane tickets back to the U.S. for the holidays. You know, because they really missed me and Ben. Or maybe, just maybe, it had something to do with their first grandbaby that they were DYING to meet. (I'm pretty sure it was 95% for the grandchild, and Mama and Da got to come along because Wes can't fly alone. Whatever, we'll take it.)

So in the end we got the best of both worlds. We got to spend Wes's first Christmas in Paris and it was wonderful! And then we got to visit the U.S. and see my family, Ben's family, and Target! I don't think our holiday could have been much better.

In my last post I filled you in briefly on our Christmas festivities, but now that we're home, I'll give you the full version with photos. And then, soon, I'll write about our trip home, but I don't think I'm ambitious enough to write all that today.

So, Paris. Ah, Paris. We did as we usually do, and rented an apartment for three nights (through Perfectly Paris, highly recommended, as always) and just planned to hang out and relax.

We did venture out a little to get groceries, go to one of our favorite restaurants, and grab a glass of wine at a cafe.

But then Christmas day we mostly just hung out at "home".

We opened presents

Had a lovely breakfast. Did you know that boulangeries are open on Christmas morning? We didn't. We bought our breakfast the day before. But now we know, croissants don't take the day off!

We went to church, an English speaking Catholic church! Just like home! We got to sing our favorite Christmas songs, in English! Joy to the World! And on the way back to the apartment we strolled through Parc Monceau and took some family portraits for Wesley's first Christmas.

He's a polar bear!!! I still can't get over the cuteness of this outfit. He's been wearing all the time lately because it's pretty chilly out, and every single time it makes me giggle a little.

Made peppermint bark to take to our families.

Wes learns about measuring spoons...


It was so delicious. The recipe is here if you want it.

Then Wesley was so kind as to nap all through dinner, champagne drinking and dessert.
Speaking of dessert, the très fancy mini buches de noel that I mentioned in the last blog post.

And when in Paris, skip the mistletoe and kiss under macarons!

We ended the day with a walk up to Sacre Coeur with Wes to look at Paris at night and just enjoy being there, before we had to pack up and take off the next morning.

Next up, our big trip home!


Corinne said...

Great update! Can't wait to hear the rest :-) I hope we get to go to Paris someday-you'll totally be my source for all the best thing to do and eat. I can't believe how big Wes is getting!

Martha said...

Hi Ellen and Ben!!! This is Martha Pierce, and I have one of these now to detail my spring semester in London and other European countries. Your blog is amazing with all the seriously adorable pictures of Wesley and the food you cook, props on that by the way. Your family is cute! :) and I know the rest of the relatives can't wait to meet Wesley and to see you two again! Anyways, I was just hoping to correspond back and forth via blog if you would like, about places in Europe to visit, where to eat, buy groceries, 'must-sees' and things like that. If you're interested please let me know! Otherwise I'll just be the creeper cousin reading your intricate blog.

Take care and hopefully talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! By the way, blogspot was being weird for me so I changed to another blogger website, so now the url is I will keep in touch!


MommieDearest said...

It was a very long Christmas celebration for you. Next year will seem quick and unexciting in comparison. But remember, Wes, you'll always have Paris.