Thursday, January 29, 2009

Okay, for those of you who read the last post and were all, "Blah blah blah... Good for you. You're happy, you eat in fancy restaurants and take pictures of your feet at the movie theater, la di da, what about the baby?!? Who cares about you, show us the baby! Baby! Baby! Baby!" Here's a Wes update for you.

Wesley has started eating solids. In addition to his good old formula, he is now a happy consumer of oatmeal and sweet potatoes. Next up, peas! But just to be clear, when I say he's eating these things, I mean he has been opening his mouth, allowing food in, and then dribbling a lot back out. He ends up with a lot on his face and bib, but he actually eats (swallows!) more and more each day. And he absolutely loves it. He gets excited and smacks his hands around and opens his mouth. When the whole endeavor gets a little less gross to look at, maybe we'll share pictures or a video.

He also has been making great strides in baby mobility. He's not crawling yet, but he's sooooo cloooooose. He can get up on all fours, but can't quite get the motion. Or he can get the arm motion or the leg motion, but not both at once. One of these days, though, he'll put it all together and, bam, it'll be time to lock up the guns and cookies. Just kidding, no guns, but we will have to put the treats high up somewhere.

He is also sitting up pretty well on his own. He can balance for a few minutes before toppling sideways or slumping forward, face to ground. When we put him in his seat, though, he can hang out for quite a while. With that, a bunch of photos. You know you love the photos.


Kevin said...

Have you tried pizza yet? I heard they like that stuff early on...

MommieDearest said...

Thanks for the Wesley photos - we were feeling deprived. He is dang cute. Go ahead and share a goopy-faced one.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you are happy and in love but the Wes pictures are soooo important. Thanks. Keep them comming. Grammy